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Child support warrants in Texas


Parents who are in arrears on child support payments may face one of the more extreme collection methods in the court system. The method is called a child support warrant. Because courts treat child support as a priority over other debts, criminal sanctions can be used.

What is a Child Support Warrant?

In Texas, a child support warrant is issued by the court when an individual fails to comply with a court order to pay child support. When a parent or guardian falls behind on their child support payments, the court can issue a warrant for their arrest. This warrant authorizes law enforcement to apprehend the individual and bring them before the court to address their failure to meet their child support obligations.

The purpose of a child support warrant is to enforce court-ordered child support payments and ensure that children receive the financial support they need from both parents. Once apprehended, the individual may be required to pay the overdue child support amount, face additional penalties, or take other actions to comply with the court order.

What Happens If I'm Issued a Child Support Warrant?

A child support obligation is a court order, and failing to pay child support is a violation of that order. If a person is well behind in payments, a warrant may be issued for the obligor to appear before the court to show cause why he or she should not be held in contempt for failing to comply with the court order, i.e. failing to pay support.

If held in contempt, the court has a number of options available, including jail time. Other options include appearing before the court regularly. The obligor will normally be required to produce pay stubs to the court or demonstrate that he or she is looking for employment.

Another situation where a warrant may be issued is if the district attorney files criminal charges against the obligor. This is a separate proceeding from the domestic case and is a criminal matter. If the defendant is found guilty, a prison sentence may be ordered.

In any case, a warrant for child support is a serious matter and should not be ignored. Courts treat child support as a high priority and can be aggressive in enforcing orders. Parents receiving a warrant may wish to contact an attorney experienced in child support matters and criminal enforcement of these types of orders. An attorney may be able to resolve the matter without the court resorting to extreme measures. A payment schedule might be constructed to allow the obligor to get back on track in resolving the debt.

If you are experiencing issues paying child support in Fort Worth, do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Mark Childress today to discuss your case.
