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Co-Parenting with a Difficult Ex

Dad welcoming his son

After going through an emotional divorce, you may be ready to move on to the next chapter of your life without your ex. Of course, this isn’t possible when you have shared parenting responsibilities. We understand how frustrating and stressful it can be to foster an amicable relationship with your former spouse, but remember what’s most important— your child. With that in mind, here are our top tips to make co-parenting easier.

Set Boundaries

It’s important to create a set of rules and boundaries with your ex and to abide by them. Aim for consistency between households, so your children know what to expect and what’s expected of them. Some expectations to go over may include the following:

  • Rules between the two households

  • Disciplinary actions for broken rules

  • Your children’s schedules

Learn how to Communicate with your Co-Parent

Dealing with a difficult ex can get emotional, which is why we recommend approaching the relationship like you would with a business partnership. Keep communication pragmatic, cordial, and respectful, focusing on your children’s needs.

Work as a Team

As a co-parent, keep in mind that there are two parties making significant decisions about your child’s life. To ensure that you are making sound choices, you need to come together as a united front. While this may be difficult at first, remember the method above to reach effective communication.

Accept the Differences

Working with an ex will be difficult, and buttons will be pushed, but it’s best to maintain a steady composure. Rather than fight over how you would have done something differently, embrace the fact that there are different parenting styles. This may require you to compromise to see your ex’s point of view, but being flexible is valuable.

We’re Here to Help

Maintaining a relationship with your former spouse comes with its own set of unique challenges. If you find yourself unable to resolve on-going disputes with your ex, you may need to revisit your current parenting plan. Our attorneys are here to help you reach an agreeable solution that benefits you and your children.

Contact Law Offices of Mark M. Childress, PLLC at (817) 497-8148 to get started on a free consultation with one of our child custody attorneys today.