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What to Know As Texas Reopens

Recently, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an Executive Order (GA-34) lifting the mask mandate he implemented at the outset of COVID-19 and easing other COVID-related restrictions. For Texans, it's a big change that could impact how many live their lives.

At the Law Offices of Mark M. Childress, our attorneys can help you handle your family law dispute. To schedule a consultation with our team, contact us online or via phone at (817) 497-8148.

What's Going On with Businesses, Restaurants, Etcetera?

Under the Executive Order, businesses and restaurants can return to 100 percent capacity. This means that many Texans will be going out to eat again and experiencing more crowded shopping facilities.

However, Governor Abbott has also given County courts the ability to reinstate mask mandates if COVID-19 cases escalate past a certain point. Only time will tell how many Counties actually implement restricted business openings and mask mandates again.

How Are Schools Reacting?

Schools can choose whether to enforce the mask mandate or not on an ISD-by-ISD basis. For example, Dallas ISD still requires students and staff to wear masks when not participating in activities such as recess.

If you're curious about how schools in your area are handling the new orders, visit your local ISD website or attend a school board meeting to give your feedback.

What About Custody Concerns?

Now that the mask mandate is lifted, it will be harder for parents to obtain custody order modifications on the grounds a parent is being unsafe or disregarding COVID-19-related guidelines. At this point, negotiating with your co-parent is probably a better bet than pursuing a modification case in court.

At the Law Offices of Mark M. Childress, we help clients navigate complex family law disputes. To schedule a consultation with our team, contact us online or via phone at (817) 497-8148.