Juvenile Criminal Defense Lawyers in Fort Worth
Being charged with a crime is a serious situation for anyone to be in, with consequences that could last a lifetime if a good lawyer isn’t at your side. That risk is even higher with minors, defined in Texas criminal law as someone at least 10 years old, and no older than 17. While juvenile crimes will carry lesser sentences than those of an adult, the long-term impact on a young person’s life can be extremely serious.
A Fort Worth juvenile crime lawyer at the side of you or your child could make all the difference for the future. Call the Law Office Of Mark M. Childress at (817) 497-8148 or contact us online today.
Types of Juvenile Crimes
Juvenile crime covers a lot of ground in Texas law. It can include kids who are chronically absent from school. Or, if they are at school, perhaps there’s other violations. That includes loitering and mischief, which can happen in most any public area. Littering is a common juvenile crime.
It’s not uncommon for kids to seek out fake identification cards to buy alcohol or cigarettes. They may find themselves in trouble for disturbing the peace or for disorderly conduct. Using a car unauthorized and unlicensed can land a minor in legal hot water.
You might read these crimes and others like them and think that the minor in question certainly isn’t the first to try a lot of things. That’s true–but they are still crimes. The young person that gets caught faces serious consequences and needs help.
Furthermore, juvenile crime isn’t confined to areas that a lot of adults might identify with. Kids between the age of 10 and 17 have gotten into trouble for burglary–including with a weapon. They have been caught attempting fraud, assault and battery and even murder. Suffice it to say, a lawyer needs to be summoned in these cases.
All juvenile crimes are classified one of two ways. The first ones we listed are considered conduct in need of supervision. These cover all crimes that are fine-only misdemeanor offenses. The second category of more serious crimes are termed delinquent conduct when the charged person is between the ages of 10 and 17. Delinquent conduct is anything that can be punished with jail time.

Exceptional Legal Representation
Our Attorneys personally handle each case themselves. You will have direct access to your attorney to be able to get the answers that you need.
Honesty and transparency are critical in building trust with your attorney. You will always know what is going on with your case every step of the way.
At our firm you're not just a case number, our staff will always know the status of your case and help to make your situation more manageable.
Our team understands that no two cases are the same. Your strategy will be tailored specifically to you and your family's goals.