Family Law Modification Attorneys in Fort Worth
Need to Make Changes to an Existing Court Order in Tarrant County?
The divorce agreement you signed off on is not a permanent and unchangeable burden. Sometimes either party must modify their divorce agreement due to unforeseen personal circumstances. You can depend on Law Offices of Mark M. Childress, PLLC to help you determine if your situation warrants a modification and your best course of action.
If you have questions about divorce order modifications in Fort Worth, turn to the Law Offices of Mark M. Childress, PLLC. We can address your concerns, advise you of your options, and help you pursue an outcome that reflects your current reality.
Need help modifying a divorce or family court order due to a change in circumstances? Call (817) 497-8148 to discuss your options with our Fort Worth family law modification attorneys.
The Modification Request Process
Texas statutory law defines how a modification request may be filed and under what circumstances. A modification that reduces an ordered amount of financial support may be granted if the person who is affected by the order files a motion requesting the modification. Likewise, a child custody, visitation, or access order may be modified if either party can provide evidence of personal circumstances that warrant this modification.
Child Support Modifications
Child support is calculated based on a parent's income and his or her ability to pay. If you have suffered a significant decrease in income due to unemployment, a disability, or another misfortune, we can help you seek a reduction in your child support obligations to match your current circumstances. We can also represent you if you believe your former partner’s child support obligations are too low.
Likewise, if either party has experienced an income increase, we can help seek a modification. For example, say the party who receives child support is the sudden recipient of an inheritance. This financial increase means the paying party may be able to lower their monthly payment.
Spousal Support Modifications
Similar to child support, the modification of spousal support requires a significant change in circumstances. But unlike child support, a drastic loss of income could actually result in the cancellation of support altogether.
Keep in mind, however, that changing careers or quitting a job for the sole purpose of reducing or eliminating spousal support obligations will be frowned upon by the court and will not alleviate your maintenance obligations. Until and/or unless a court grants a requested alimony modification, the payer must continue making payments as ordered.
Child Custody & Visitation Modifications
Child custody modifications are only approved if the seeking party can prove their need for this change to the order. Any modification to a parent’s responsibilities or the structure of the parent-child relationship must be shown to be in the child’s best interest. Additionally, the proposed modification must illustrate a material and/or substantial change in finances or home environment to warrant this legal process.

Exceptional Legal Representation
Our Attorneys personally handle each case themselves. You will have direct access to your attorney to be able to get the answers that you need.
Honesty and transparency are critical in building trust with your attorney. You will always know what is going on with your case every step of the way.
At our firm you're not just a case number, our staff will always know the status of your case and help to make your situation more manageable.
Our team understands that no two cases are the same. Your strategy will be tailored specifically to you and your family's goals.